How Do We Celebrate Mother’s Day Now?

Feb. 26, 2022

There is no greater friend or support than a mother. From raising us as children to being there for us as temperamental teenagers and occasionally being our shoulder to cry on - they are always there for us - this is often the reason we celebrate Mother's Day in the UK each year.


Although the traditional day began centuries ago, it remains an important date in the calendar and today has grown to include custom store-bought or handmade Mother's Day cards and flowers or generous Mother's Day gifts.

While Sunday, March 14 will be a different Mother's Day this year in the UK's current blockade - there are still many ways to show your love.


To get you ready and inspire some Mother's Day ideas before the event begins, we've shared some fun facts about how the holiday begins.

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Why do we celebrate Mother's Day?

Research on Mother's Day celebrations shows that honoring motherhood dates back to the ancient Greeks. In their spring festival, they celebrated the goddess Rhea, considered to be the mother of the gods. Rhea was closely related to Cybele, another mother goddess revered by the Romans.


Mother's Day has appeared in the English Christian calendar since at least the 16th century. Originally it was not a celebration of motherhood, but a time during Lent when people returned to their mother church - the main church - for special services. This is why Mother's Day is the fourth Sunday of Lent each year.


The tradition of gift-giving also comes from families reuniting for services on this Mother's Sunday. Children would pick flowers on their way to church and present their mothers with bouquets of flowers. Hence, why flowers are still considered the preferred gift for Mother's Day today.

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How do we celebrate Mother's Day now?

These days, it's less about Simnel cakes and more about emotions! According to Amanda Fergusson of the Greetings Card Association, we spend a staggering £73 million a year on Mother's Day, with the British sending more cards per person than any other country.


We also like to send flowers - according to Interflora, two bouquets of flowers are sent every second in the UK on Mother's Day. That's 15 times more than on a normal day. While pink flowers are the most popular, bright colors are becoming increasingly popular. Our top five are carnations, roses, sunflowers, gerberas, and tulips.


If you can't send your mom on a spa vacation this Mother's Day, why not give her the holiday vibe? Ross uses a wide-brimmed straw hat as the "basket" for this creative gift, filled with all the essentials Mom needs for a relaxing weekend at home - a face mask, facial mist, and of course, a bottle of rosé.


Brits also like to raise a glass to their beloved moms on this day. In recent years, alcohol sales have soared around Mother's Day as gin has become more popular. d by 21% in 2018.


In 2020, people are turning to online gift buying as they stay home during the pandemic. According to last year's market research, the percentage of shoppers buying Mother's Day gifts online grew by 3.6 percent. This percentage is expected to grow again in 2021 as the UK remains under embargo.

Learn More

If you want to get more information about the custom beautifully wrapped mother's day gift boxes, welcome to contact us today or request a quote.